Olympic – Professional – Collegiate – Amateur

“When focus, mental calm, timing, endurance and speed can make a difference”

The Growing Popularity of Sports Improvement Hypnosis

  • Swimming
  • Baseball
  • Horseback Riding
  • Bowling
  • Skiing
  • Golf
  • Football
  • Soccer
  • Gymnastics
  • Hockey
  • Tennis
  • Basketball
  • Running
  • Ice Skating
Jason Dunford moves from 5th to 4th fastest time in 100 meter Butterfly Race and closes in on Mike Phelps’ World Record.
Charles Beeson & Jason Dunford

Re-Engineering Sports Performance

by Charles R. Beeson

Most athletes today, agree that the mental or psychological aspect of their sport is a critical part of their training. There are many elements of performance that can lead to the breaking of a world record in the Olympic Games, winning a championship or scholarship or just maximizing one’s enjoyment of your favorite sport. Perfect timing, remaining focused and calm, reaching for a burst of strength and endurance at the right moment, can make all the difference.

The mind’s great saboteurs are fear and anxiety. Some professional athletes believe that controlling fear based emotions can be as much as, 80% of winning. Two effective tools for todays athlete have become hypnosis and Neuro-linguistic Programming, (NLP). Through the use of hypnotic conditioning, a behavioral strategy or routine can often be learned in a fraction of the time compared to repetitive practice alone. Using techniques from the study of NLP, the mind can be reprogrammed to eliminate the “night before” anxiety, allowing for a good night’s sleep. Thoughts that interfere with one’s concentration can be controlled. New, split second reactions can be quickly created and enhanced. Performance anxiety and competitive fears are easily eliminated and replaced with calm confidence.

These Steps can be used to improve any sports performance at any level:

  • 1
    Remove fears, improve self-confidence, and learn techniques to control stress & anxiety.
  • 2
    Modeling the minute details of the current performance, a diagram is created that includes the sequence of physical actions along with the internalized emotional states that occur with each movement.
  • 3
    After collaberation with the athlete, a new enhanced version is created that includes an improved mental choreography that is installed into the subconscious mind with hypnosis and NLP techniques. This process can become a never-ending quest for perfection.

The above steps can be used to; improve your tennis game, perfect a golf swing or help any sports team win the championship trophy. [Individual results vary.]

Proven Effective with Stanford NCAA

National Championship Swim Team

Charles Beeson, creator of InstaCalm with Richard Quick, Stanford Swim Team Coach, sharing National Championship Trophy in 1995.

“InstaCalm helped the Stanford Women’s Swim Team win the National Championship. It helped our athletes achieve their potential and maximize the mental side of their training.

” I recommend InstaCalm to anyone for stress reduction and performance enhancement. Results have been excellent.”

[As individuals vary, so do results]

Richard Quick

Head Coach

Mental coaching programs for Kids & Teens

  • Improve Confidence
  • Eliminate Anxiety & Fears
  • Increase Focus & Mental Calm
  • Enhance Performance