Quit Smoking Hypnosis Treatment
Huntsville, Alabama

Quickly & Easily Stop in 1 Hour

*Results Vary

This program, developed by Charles R. Beeson, CHt., in Huntsville, Alabama, has been used since 1990, by over 4,500 smokers to end their smoking habit. Many of these successful EX-SMOKERS stopped with:

InstaCalm Stop Smoking Solution™

  • No Anxiety
  • No Weight Gain
  • No Withdrawal
  • Quit smoking easily, so you can kick the habit with less anxiety and SUCCESSFULLY get through your”letting-go” process! *Results Vary
  • You stop smoking in 1 hour, to quickly have more energy and stop coughing to improve your health. *Results Vary
  • Save Money… so you’re able to buy the things you really want for a better life. *Results Vary
  • Learn how to perform the InstaCalm Relaxation Technique, so you’re able to enjoy a deeply relaxed body & mind to better deal with life’s stressful curve balls, and NOT return to smoking. *Results Vary
  • Extra focus on eating healthy and not overeating, so you don’t gain weight and replace one problem with another. *Results Vary

If your smoking is strickly out of habit, its possible that quit smoking hypnosis can cancel your desire to smoke at your first session.

This is typically a 2 session program. A 3 session program is advised If your smoking is primarily a means to cope with stress, stressful memories and anxiety. Should you have a serious drinking problem with ALCOHOL, we offer a comprehensive, alcohol treatment hypnotherapy program that includes a quit smoking option.

The primary reasons why smokers backslide and fail to remain non-smokers are stress and anxiety.

The InstaCalm Stop Smoking Hypnosis Solution is a more comprehensive way to quit smoking because it includes a special emphasis in coping with stress and anxiety, AS WELL AS, DESENSITIZING STRESSFUL MEMORIES!

You can become and remain a non-smoker.

*Individual results may vary.

Personalized Approach

The InstaCalm ™ quit smoking hypnosis method is tailor made to fit your life style requirements in personalized private hypnotherapy sessions. It emphasizes defining and modifying your emotional triggers and habit patterns that have made quitting difficult in the past.

During a follow-up session, you will be hypnotically taught new skills for responding to stress and anxiety. Your motivation to remain free of nicotine can be dramatically magnified. You can receive a maximum degree of physical and emotional comfort during the habit cancellation process.

Your program includes self hypnosis, audio MP3 recordings to reinforce your results and insure success.

Written Guarantee

Although human behavior cannot be guaranteed, you will receive a service guarantee that states. “If you ever go back to your habit again, for ANY REASON, you may return for additional quit smoking hypnosis (limited to 3 sessions) at no extra charge, for up to 1 Year.

If you fail to attain hypnosis at your first session, your money will be refunded before you leave the building.” *Results vary

* DISCLAIMER: Testimonials are the experience of that individual client. Your results may be different. All results vary

* What Clients Say

Want to stop smoking? Try this! I was a pack a day smoker for 20 years, and one day I said enough! I decided to give hypnosis a try. I was a bit skeptical, but believe me when I say I walked out a NONSMOKER! That was 8 months ago. In that time I joined a gym changed my eating habits and lost 22 lbs! Thanks Charles!
Phllis D., Yelp
I found Charles to be very professional and genuinely concerned for my success. It doesn’t hurt that if I “slip” I can go back for a “tune-up” at no additional charge!
Clyde H., Yelp